Study in Sweden

Sweden is located on the east side of the Scandinavian Peninsula in northern Europe. It has nine million inhabitants of which almost two million live in and around the capital, Stockholm. The official language is Swedish. Sweden has been a constitutional monarchy since 1809, and has had a parliamentary system of government since 1719. Despite its natural riches, Sweden is a country built on people. Today, knowledge is Sweden’s prime asset, with education kept in the public domain and developed to a standard that ranks consistently among the highest in OECD statistics.

Education System :

The Swedish higher education system includes traditional university studies and professional training. There are a total of 61 universities, university colleges and Since taking part in the Bologna Process, a Europe-wide cooperation to harmonise all higher education, there have been major changes in the Swedish university system. A three-level degree structure was introduced in 2007:

  • Undergraduate studies – The Högskoleexamen (diploma) is awarded after a completion of at least 120 credits. The Kandidatexamen (bachelor’s degree) is conferred after the completion of at least 180 credits, equivalent to three years of full-time study. Professional degrees in medicine, pharmaceutical studies, psychology, dentistry, architecture, civil engineering and law could last between four to six years;
  • Master’s studies – There are two kinds of masters’ courses leading to two different degrees. The Magisteraxamen lasts for one year and the Masterexamen lasts for two years. Apart from these academic degrees, there are some 60 professional degrees (Yrkesexamen), which vary in length depending on their field of study;
  • Doctoral studies – Doctoral studies (Licentiat/Doktor) usually last four years. They combine taught course work and research for a thesis.
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