Denmark is located in northern Europe and is part of Scandinavia. An island kingdom, it consists of the Jutland peninsula, the larger islands of Zealand, Funen, Lolland and some 480 other islands between the North and Baltic seas. A modern infrastructure and an effective welfare system allow citizens high standards of living.
A clean environment is important to the Danes. As a result, most prefer to ride their bike. Almost everyone has one and uses it daily. In cities, small towns and the country-side, it is easy enough for people cycle to work or school as there are special cycle paths in all urban areas. Owing to its location and geography, Denmark has a relatively mild climate and outdoor activities are possible most of the year.
While Danish is the official language of Denmark, most Danes speak excellent English and many understand German. Nevertheless, being able to speak some Danish will benefit you both socially and if you want to look for a job. As an employee or student in Denmark, you have the opportunity to take Danish language lessons free of cost. More information is available at
Danish higher education institutions offer a range of opportunities for international students. All programmes are internationally recognised and of the highest quality. More than 500 degrees programmes and 1000 courses are taught in English. As an international student you can choose between several types of programmes taught entirely in English: and an effective welfare system allow citizens high standards of living.
You can also choose between three types of Danish educational institutions: Universities, University Colleges(Professionshøjskoler) and Academies of Professional Higher Education (Erhvervsakademier). For more information on study programmes, visit and many understand German. Nevertheless, being able to speak some Danish will